November 14, 2021


The Knight of Discs is the Fiery part of Earth, ruling from the 21° of Leo to the 20° of Virgo, and according to Crowley's Book of Thoth: "The character described by this card is therefore exceedingly complex, yet admirably well-knit".  He also describes this personality as "short & sturdy", jealous of people whom are superior to them, usually successful due to natural instinct and an imitation of nature (which I read as they are good at copying others').   In my opinion this person will be well-dressed, with great insight to matching colors & styles to any given situation.  He is materialistic first, but may not be wealthy (or he may be).  He will always be mature about it, but whatever his fancy is, he will do it well. Example: if he likes skateboards, surfboards, or guitars, he wont just have one, he will have a collection (same for his wardrobe).  If he likes cars or trucks, he will usually have a sports car, hot rod, or lifted 4X4.  Dude has swag!     All of the representatives of the court will have good & bad attributes, and this particular card being a Knight (same court ranking as a King) will focus on the more mature aspects of materialism. Regardless though, sometimes despite how white the neighbor's picket fence looks, the nails holding it together are rusty. The question is, should he replace the nails or the fence? He doesn't know the answer, so he paints it again. Who cares, as no one knows the difference, right?  Who is this man in your kingdom? Is it your dad, a buddy of yours, the neighbor next door,  or is he "you"?

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